This new requirement was added in the 2017 NEC. All it did was add the word “controlled” to the outlet face. This way you know that the outlet is switched or controlled by some other means. A lot of people did not know what the symbol meant, so this should help. This section does not apply to outlets that are switched in lieu of having a lighting outlet in the ceiling per 210.70(A)(1) Exception #1 of the 2017 NEC..
The 2020 Edition of the FBC Energy Conservation Code 7th Edition exempts having to install controlled outlets per section C401.2 states, That Commercial buildings shall comply with one of the following: in #1. The requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1, excluding section, section 8.4.2 and section 8.4.3 of the standard. Section 8.4.2 was the section that required at least 50% of the outlets be controlled. So if it is on the plan you will need to put them in, and if not on the plan they will not be required by FBC. Hope this helps because I have already been contacted by several contractors stating that the inspector is requiring the controlled outlets. Let him/her know that this section has been removed from the FBC Energy Conservation requirements.

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Till the next time be safe work safe.