680.14 Corrosive Environments around pools 2017 Code Change

This new section gives us the requirements for wiring methods when you have stored chemicals in the same area as your pool equipment.  Most of the chemicals that are used in pool maintenance are corrosive and the vapors can end up in the air and cause damage to the electrical system for the pool.  When I use to do pools we always kept most of the electrical work above 48” so that we were above some of the vapors.  A good installation will have a ventilation system to take these vapors out of the room.

Screenshot 2021-12-30 121937

For those of you who missed our continuing education class in December don’t fret we will be running a few more next year in time for the renewal of your license.

Till next year be safe work safe


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A new section has been added to article 555 requiring signs to be placed so as to “WARN” people of the protentional hazards that could exist in the water. If you are working on a marina or dock you will be required to post “permanent signs” to warn potential swimmers of the hazard that could be there.


Till the next time be safe work safe.



555.3 Ground fault protection Code Change 2017 NEC

This section has changed the GFCI protection for marinas and docks from a 100 mA down to 30 mA.  When a marina’s or dock’s electrical system is installed, it must be installed under the adopted code at time of installation.  So an existing dock will not be required to updated unless a major upgrade or expansion to the dock is made.  You may still run into the AHJ that will require you to change the feeder or branch circuit device on an existing dock, but that was not the intent of this “new change”.  This covers both residential and commercial marinas and docks.


On another note we have set the dates for our first in class CEU courses.  December 7th and 8th will be our first 7 hours of continuing education for the new cycle.  Hope to see you there.

Till next time be safe work safe.


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New addition to article 555 Code change 2017 NEC

This weeks change has been one that was long over due.  They finally added residential docks and marinas to the code for us to follow and enforce.  As an inspector I used to argue with contractors over residential docking facilities about what does and doesn’t apply.  Well the argument is over.  Residential docks and marinas are now listed in the scope of Article 555.  So for this weeks change that’s where we will stop.  We now have Codes that will protect people who are using residential docking facilities, where in the past it was always an argument and the use of 90.4 to enforce something that should have been in the Code book years ago.  Article 555 now includes residential docks!


In the next newsletter we will look into the sections of 555 and try and clear up some of the new requirements.

For those of you wondering if we are ever going to do continuing education again, we are planning to do a two-night seminar in December.  Watch for our email.

Till the next time work safe be safe


Continue ReadingNew addition to article 555 Code change 2017 NEC

422.5 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter (GFCI) Protection for Personnel 2017 Code Change (Clarification)

This weeks Code change is really just a clarification of voltages requiring GFCI protection, 250V or less and 60 amperes or less on single and three phase systems.  It also clarifies what type of GFCI protection can be provided upstream from the equipment in (B).


Also included this week is another great picture from out there somewhere.


Don’t have a knockout set just cut the bottom out and run a bonding jumper.

Till next time be safe work safe


Can’t see the whole picture just click on them.

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Renewing your Palm Beach County License

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I have had several calls from contractors looking for Continuing Education classes.  If you have a Palm Beach County license and are renewing your PBC license send them your CEU’s from last two years (2019 and 2020) that you got for the state renewal last year.  The State of Florida does not have a renewal this year its next year 2022.  We will be back in class giving CEU classes this December.  If you renew with the State next year you are ONLY REQUIRED to get 11 hours if you have an EC or ER license, and 7 hours for all other specialty licenses for the State.  One of the problems with this new requirement is the State only wants 11 or 7 hours, but Palm beach County still wants 14 hours.  So in order to renew in PBC you will have to get extra hours not required by the State.

So starting in December we will be offering the 11 hrs. required by the State plus the other 3 required by Palm Beach County if you need them. 

Below is the list of “STATE” required hours for our trade as of July 1, 2020.

Effective July 1, 2020 a licensee must complete the following continuing education prior to renewal:

Certified Electrical Contractors (EC) = 11 hours of Continuing Education
1 hour workers’ compensation
1 hour workplace safety
1 hour business practices
1 hour Florida Laws & Rules
7 hours of Technical to include – 1 hour Florida Building Code advanced module course and 2 hours false alarm prevention for all certified electrical contractors who perform alarm work

Registered Electrical Contractors (ER) = 11 hours of Continuing Education
1 hour workers’ compensation
1 hour workplace safety
1 hour business practices
1 hour Florida Laws & Rules
7 hours of Technical to include – 1 hour Florida Building Code advanced module course

Certified and Registered Alarm Contractors = 7 hours of Continuing Education
1 hour workers’ compensation
1 hour workplace safety
1 hour business practices
1 hour Florida Laws & Rules
2 hours false alarm prevention
1 hours of Technical to include – 1 hour Florida Building Code advanced module course

Certified and Registered Specialty Contractors = 7 hours of Continuing Education
1 hour workers’ compensation
1 hour workplace safety
1 hour business practices
1 hour Florida Laws & Rules
1 hours of Technical to include – 1 hour Florida Building Code advanced module course
2 hours general credit

Confused by all this email me (jlecceamil@hotmail.com) or Text me at (561-596-7347) I will try to help you if needed.

Till next time be safe work safe.


Continue ReadingRenewing your Palm Beach County License

406.12 Tamper-Resistant Receptacles. 2017 Code Change

This weeks change is on “Tamper resistant receptacles”  for the additional areas and types of outlets where they will be required.  In doing plan review I have failed more plans for this than I can count, and that is because its new.  We’ve added additional places and types of outlets that require being this type of protection. After all our Code is a guide to the practical safeguarding of persons and property from the hazards arising from the use of electricity.  Children shouldn’t have to be hurt or die from these hazards for us to make simple corrections for a safer environment.

They’ve added more commercial areas that are to be covered by tamper resistant outlets, and they added 250 volt outlets to the section also.  It only makes sense to include ,ore areas out there that children are exposed to.  When they first put this section in the Code back in the 90’s I wondered “Why did this take so long” because more children were hurt by sticking objects into outlets and being shocked, burned or possibly killed because we didn’t address the problems we had.  The simple solution is that they should all be tamper resistant, but for right now the list grows for areas covered which is a step in the right direction.  The addition of 250 volt outlets in the 2017 Code is also long over due even though most accidents are from regular duplex receptacles that are installed everywhere.



Till next time be safe work safe


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