2014 Code Changes GFCI Protection Dwelling Unit 210.8

This is a Code change from section 210.8.  This particular change is for dwelling units.  New and revised parts of this Code have made more GFCI protection mandatory.





These are all part of the 2014 Code changes and not part of the Code in place at this time in Florida.  Florida is still

under the 2011 NEC.


Till next time work safe be safe



Continue Reading2014 Code Changes GFCI Protection Dwelling Unit 210.8

2014 Code Change 110.21 (B) Field-Applied Hazard Markings.

First of all Happy Fourth of July.

This Code section has been added to the “2014” Code (which is not adopted in Florida),

to instruct us as to what is accepted for field applied labels.

Some of the sections that require theses labels are 110.16, 110.24, 408.3, and many others.

110.21 Marking.

(B)  Field-Applied  Hazard  Markings.  Where caution,
warning,  or  danger signs  or  labels are required by this
Code,  the labels shall meet the following requirements:

1) The marking shall adequately warn  of  the hazard using
effective words and/or colors and/or symbols.

(2) The label shall be permanently affixed to the equipment
or  wiring method and shall not be hand written.

Exception to  (2):  Portions  of  labels  or  markings that are
variable,  or  that could be  subject  to  changes, shall be per-
mitted to be hand written  and  shall be legible.

(3)  The label  shall be  of  sufficient durability to withstand
the environment involved.

Informational Note: ANSI Z535.4-2011,  Product Safety
Signs  and  Labels,  provides guidelines for the design and
durability  of  safety signs and labels for application to electrical equipment.



Some of the signs will be allowed to be hand written, but not all of them.  Ask your electrical inspector/plan reviewer for guidance.


Till next week be safe out there, always use a tester to see if it is Hot!



Continue Reading2014 Code Change 110.21 (B) Field-Applied Hazard Markings.

Temporary Installations For Outlets in Wet Locations 590.4(D)(2), and 406.9(B)

This new change will require the use of “EXTRA-DUTY” covers on receptacles installed in wet locations.  The new covers have the words EXTRA-DUTY installed on the cover.  These outlets would be for other than in dwelling unit locations and ones that are supported from grade.  In addition to these requirements the outlet will have to be GFCI protected with a few exceptions. 

210.8 (B)(4) Exception  #1,2

Exception No. 1 to (3) and (4): Receptacles that are not readily accessible and are supplied by a branch circuit dedicated to electric snow-melting, deicing, or pipeline and vessel heating equipment shall be permitted to be installed in accordance with 426.28 or 427.22, as applicable. (We can’t use this down here in south Florida)

Exception No. 2 to (4): In industrial establishments only, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified personnel are involved, an assured equipment grounding conductor program as specified in 590.6(B)(2) shall be permitted for only those receptacle outlets used to supply equipment that would create a greater hazard if power is interrupted or having a design that is not compatible with GFCI protection.


temporary receps




Till next week work safe be safe



Continue ReadingTemporary Installations For Outlets in Wet Locations 590.4(D)(2), and 406.9(B)

210.5 (C) (1,2,3) Identification of Branch Circuits

Under this new Code Change you will be required to IDENTIFY the ungrounded conductors in a branch circuit when you have two different electrical systems in building.  This is when you have 277/480 and 120/208. They instruct you to identify them by color coding, marking tape or some kind of other approved means.  It states that you also have to post it by the panel.   Most inspectors are going to require that the entire branch circuit comply with this requirement, you will have to ask about travelers and switch legs coming off a branch circuit. 

This past week I was asked if just taping the conductors will be acceptable,  and looking at the section size does not matter and taping even 14 gauge wire will be just fine. After all this is Article 210 for Branch Circuits.


(C) Identification of Ungrounded Conductors. Ungrounded
conductors shall be identified in accordance with
210.5(C)(1), (2), and (3).

(1) Application. Where the premises wiring system has
branch circuits supplied from more than one nominal voltage
system, each ungrounded conductor of a branch circuit
shall be identified by phase or line and system at all termination,
connection, and splice points.

(2) Means of Identification. The means of identification
shall be permitted to be by separate color coding, marking
tape, tagging, or other approved means.

(3) Posting of Identification Means. The method utilized
for conductors originating within each branch-circuit panelboard
or similar branch-circuit distribution equipment
shall be documented in a manner that is readily available or
shall be permanently posted at each branch-circuit panelboard
or similar branch-circuit distribution equipment.


Till next week be safe work safe


Continue Reading210.5 (C) (1,2,3) Identification of Branch Circuits

310.15(B)(16) AMPACITY TABLE

This is number nine in the top ten series and will probably take years before we get use to it.

This Table used to be 310.16.  After all these years it is hard to call it by its new numbers but I’m

sure we will all get used to it.  Not only did the number of the Table change several wire ampacities

also changed.  For the Copper side #s 14, 12, 3, 1, 600, 1,500,  2,000, and for the Aluminum side

#s 12, 8, 6, 300, 700, and 800.


                      THE NEW ALLOWABLE AMPACITY TABLE 310.15(B)(16) 


Till next week, work safe be safe


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225.27 RACEWAY SEALS When conduits enter an enclosure from outside of a building.

This weeks change number eight in this series, has to do with underground conduits entering/leaving a building or structure.  This is for outside branch circuits and feeders, just like we have been doing for services in 230.8 we now seal off branch circuit and feeder conduits. Conduits shall be sealed when entering/leaving a building using duct seal or some other material that is identified for the purpose.





Till next week

Work safe be safe


Continue Reading225.27 RACEWAY SEALS When conduits enter an enclosure from outside of a building.

210.52 (A) (2) (1) WALL SPACE

The seventh in the top ten is for outlet spacing.  A change to the wall spacing requirements has been made to address fixed cabinets, and the wall spacing requirements have been clarified.

(2) Wall Space. As used in this section, a wall space shall
include the following:
(1) Any space 600 mm (2 ft) or more in width (including
space measured around corners) and unbroken along
the floor line by doorways and similar openings, fireplaces,
and fixed cabinets
(2) The space occupied by fixed panels in exterior walls,
excluding sliding panels
(3) The space afforded by fixed room dividers, such as
freestanding bar-type counters or railings

This change gives us relief from placing outlets at the bottom of cabinets and book cases in the kick plate so that we can meet the outlet placement spacing. For years when I did plan reviews and inspections I had always turned down drawings and or the job that had no outlets along a built-in cabinet or bookcase, this makes it easier on the design professional and the inspector/plan reviewer.




Work safe


Continue Reading210.52 (A) (2) (1) WALL SPACE

Receptacle Replacement 406.4 (D) Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter

This is the fifth in our series of the top ten Code changes for 20111.  This new requirement makes it mandatory to use Arc Fault Protection when replacing, yes replacing, a receptacle outlet.  I have poled a few cities and counties in the state and found that not all are enforcing this new requirement.  If you have comments on this one please send me an email at jleccemail@hotmail.com.






Till Next week work safe and be safe.


Question?  Email them to me.


Continue ReadingReceptacle Replacement 406.4 (D) Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter

404.2 Switch Connections. Neutral’s at a switch? NEW TO CODE

This weeks section is the fourth of the top ten series, and is being overlooked on almost every job.  It has made my job harder to do since I have to look at almost every box installed for a switch on each job to see if the neutral has been installed.  In 404.2 Switch connections,  this new requirement makes us supply a grounded conductor at switch points for the control of lighting on jobs, both commercial and residential.  The GROUNDED CONDUCTOR is the Neutral Conductor the white, the gray or the wire with three white stripes on other than green insulation.  Yes install a neutral wire at all switch points, and like most sections there are exceptions!  In order to meet the exceptions you have to comply with one or the other, you will “not” have to install the Neutral only if you meet one of the two exceptions. 

The first exception has to do with having a “raceway” to the switch box.  A raceway is a conduit of some type such as EMT, ENT, FLEX, PVC, RIGID and so fourth.  If you do not have a raceway you can not use Exception #1.  The raceway has to be installed and has to provide enough room for the future wire, the neutral to be installed if needed.

The second exception is when you are able to access the switch box when cables are used such as MC, AC, and NM cable systems from above or below or from behind the box.  So if you have drywall walls and ceilings and there is no way to get to the box from above or below,  then you can not use this exception.  There has to be a way to fish down the wall to the box to add the neutral conductor, or if the back side of the wall is open.

These two exceptions appear to be straight forward, so if you can not meet either Exception 1 or 2 then you have to install a Neutral Conductor in the Box.  If you have guys out there working who have not been to a 2011 NEC Code Change class or seminar how do you expect them to know what NEW sections are going to be enforced.  Please pass these weekly observations and changes on to all your help so that they will pass their inspections and not hold up the job progress.  When I cited a job for this reason the General Contractor was surprised, and upset that his Sub-contractor (the Electrical Contractor) did not know the changes that have been in effect for the last 5 months.  See the CODE section below.

What has been taking place out in the field is that the neutral of these switches has been attached to the equipment grounding conductor which adds objectionable currents into the grounding system of the building or residence.  So no more dead ends of two wires for a single pole switch or three wires for a three way switch, a neutral is required, whether you need one or not.

Till the next time be safe work safe



PS.  Any questions please email them to me at jleccemail@hotmail.com




Continue Reading404.2 Switch Connections. Neutral’s at a switch? NEW TO CODE

210.7 Code Change, 240.15(B)(1) Added clarification.

This is in the top ten Code changes for 2011.  I hear the stories about being ZAPPED off the neutral on a multi-wire branch circuit, being zapped is lucky!  It is the ones that have been electrocuted that were not so lucky to be just ZAPPED.  So after years of hearing these stories it has become a Code requirement.  This used to be a requirement when we had two circuit attached to one device such as a receptacle or equipment so in 240.15(B)(1) it permits the use of single pole breakers with identified handle ties to be used in lieu of a two pole or three pole breaker.

210.7  was formerly divided into two sections parts A and B.  Section 240.15(B)(1) also requires that when used, single pole circuit breakers with handle ties (identified) SHALL BE permitted to be used to protect a multi-wire branch circuit.  So one question that comes to mind can two Arc Fault breakers be used in this manner?  I have had some who said that the AHJ did not allow this practice because it was not listed!  Does this section give us some relief when using this practice.  A certain manufacturer has an informational manual that shows using two single pole Arc
Faults in this manner for a multi-wire branch circuit..  That paper can be found in one of my other weekly columns, on this web site.

When working in the field and you pull a common neutral for a couple (multiple) of branch circuits you have to be able to disconnect the circuits at that same time (simultaneous).  This would require a two pole or three pole circuit breaker to be able to accomplish this feat.  You may use identified handle ties on single pole circuit breaker to make this happen.  The intent of this section has been around for a long time, but in my daily inspections I still have to issue a correction notice for this practice.  I find it more often in housing and it is usually easier to find when the contractor runs a 3 wire branch circuit(black white and red wire).  Any time you run a 3 wire branch circuit in a residence it requires a common trip circuit breaker at the point at which the branch circuit originates, the panel. There are no exceptions! 

210.7 Multiple Branch Circuits. Where two or more branch circuits supply devices or equipment on the same yoke, a means to simultaneously disconnect the ungrounded conductors supplying those devices shall be provided at the point at which the branch circuits originate.



So as you can see I find it all the time, there are several circuits tied together in this manner in this one panel.  The ones with the wire through them may trip one circuit but it may not trip them all.  So when you wire residences remember that all multi-wire circuit need to be on a common trip breaker even Arc Faults.


Till next week be safe



Continue Reading210.7 Code Change, 240.15(B)(1) Added clarification.