This weeks post deals with battery operated smoke alarms and when you can use them.
Florida building ‘code allows us to use battery operated smoke alarms under certain conditions, the following text is from FBC Resdientila section R314.
One-family and two-family dwellings and townhomes undergoing a repair, or a Level 1 alteration as defined in the Florida Building Code, may use smoke alarms powered by 10-year nonremovable, nonreplaceable batteries in lieu of retrofitting such dwelling with smoke alarms powered by the dwelling’s electrical system. A battery-powered smoke alarm that is newly installed or replaces an existing battery-powered smoke alarm as a result of a Level 1 alteration must be powered by a nonremovable, nonreplaceable battery that powers the alarm for at least 10 years. The battery requirements of this section do not apply to a fire alarm, smoke detector, smoke alarm, or ancillary component that is electronically connected as a part of a centrally monitored or supervised alarm system, that uses a low power, radio frequency wireless communication signal; or that contains multiple sensors, such as a smoke alarm combined with a carbon monoxide alarm or other multisensor devices, and is approved and listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory
Repairs, as defined in Chapter 2, include the patching or restoration or replacement of damaged materials, elements, equipment or fixtures for the purpose of maintaining such components in good or sound condition with respect to existing loads or performance requirements.
Level 1 alterations include the removal and replacement or the covering of existing materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures using new materials, elements, equipment, or fixtures that serve the same purpose.

These just recently showed up in the stores. They are 10 year non-replaceable battery types that do interconnect wirelessly.
The interconnection was always a problem because in NFPA 72 it calls for these to be inter-connected but where not available until recently. They have Carbon monoxide alarms also available with the 10 year battery and it is also interconnectable.
But as stated above they are only allowed in a Level 1 alteration or a repair as defined by FBC.
So if your inspector was requiring the interconnection we now have them available to us. The above package was around $80 for the two-pack., and the carbon monoxide one was $80 each. They can be connected to you phone through another option that costs around $100. So technology if finally catching up to our needs in the field.
Till next time be safe work safe