This is not a CODE change, but a clarification. 314.21 REPAIRING THE SURFACES, 110.12 MECHANICAL EXECUTION OF WORK.
The following pictures represent what some GC’s feel is Ok for your final electrical inspection. The code requires that the openings in the finish around switches and receptacles be no more than 1/8” the cover plate will definitely cover this amount. It has become the job of the inspector to make sure that these minor defects are completed. The pictures are from a job that the GC told me that they would take care of them, and they were not. Although some of the pictures are fuzzy and out of focus you should be able to get the idea. This installation also violates article 110.12 for Mechanical execution of work. Installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. Please show this to your GC’s and remind them that these need to be done for and electrical final. If not, you fail, and you have to call for a re-inspection and possibly pay a fee which will lead to a delay in job progress.
Till next week be safe work smart