Wall space for Outlets 210.52(A)(2)(1) Residential receptacles

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This section is often mis-understood when making the measurement or just understanding the requirements of the section to meet the requirements for outlet spacing in a residential home. I hear people says walls 1’ (12’”) or more need outlets, but that is for countertops in kitchen and similar work surfaces covered in section 210.52(C)(1).  In the picture below we have several French doors separated by wall space less than 2’ in width.  This section does not require us to install outlets in these wall areas.  As stated in the section walls less 2’ (24”) or more need to have receptacle outlets installed.  If the space is less than 24” then outlets need not be installed.

210.52(A)(2)(1) Wall Space.

As used in this section, a wall space shall include the following:

(1)  Any space 600 mm (2 ft) or more in width (including space measured around corners) and unbroken along the floor line by doorways and similar openings, fireplaces, and fixed cabinets that do not have countertops or similar work surfaces


Till next time be safe work safe.
