555.3 Ground fault protection Code Change 2017 NEC

This section has changed the GFCI protection for marinas and docks from a 100 mA down to 30 mA.  When a marina’s or dock’s electrical system is installed, it must be installed under the adopted code at time of installation.  So an existing dock will not be required to updated unless a major upgrade or expansion to the dock is made.  You may still run into the AHJ that will require you to change the feeder or branch circuit device on an existing dock, but that was not the intent of this “new change”.  This covers both residential and commercial marinas and docks.


On another note we have set the dates for our first in class CEU courses.  December 7th and 8th will be our first 7 hours of continuing education for the new cycle.  Hope to see you there.

Till next time be safe work safe.
